Petr Neuzil, MD


Dr. Neuzil received his Doctor of Medicine from Charles University, Prague, in 1987, and his PhD in 2001. He did his residency in internal medicine at General Hospital Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, from 1989-1991 and a fellowship in cardiology at Heart Centrum, Bad Krozingen, from 1991-1993. He worked at Beth Israel Deaconnes Medical Center (1997, 1998) and Massachusetts General Hospital (1998-2000). Dr. Neuzil is the director of cardiac arrhythmia service Na Homolce Hospital, Prague, since 2004, where he became head of cardiology in 2009. He is the director of the animal laboratory at Charles University, since 2006, and an associate professor, since 2007. He was the director of Cardiac Arrhythmias Foundation, Prague, from 2005-2007, and is a consultant at the Technology School, Prague, since 2005. Dr. Neuzil’s achievements include the development of esophageal temperature probe, research in robotic cardiac catheterization, research in electromechanical robotic catheterization system Sensei and electromagnetic navigation Niobe, and research in balloon technology in catheter ablation technology, mainly laser energy. He is the editor of the journal Practicioner, a fellow of the European Society of Cardiology and a member of European Heart Rhythm Association and Heart Rhythm Society.